On this page you can edit multiple subtitles at once, you also have the option to save subtitles after editing and resume editing subtitle later, just click on the button called "Upload" and subtitle will be loaded on this page.


Click the button below to upload the files you want to edit

Subtitles Editor Instructions

* upload your subtitle file

* click on the "Select subtitle" drop-down menu and select the desired subtitle to edit

* after editing the desired subtitle, click on the button called "SAVE" to save the subtitle you have edited

* and at the end of editing the subtitle press the button called "DOWNLOAD" to download edited subtitles.

Watch the video below to see how Subtitles Editor works:

multi subtitles


When you select subtitles for editing and when your desired subtitle is displayed in the table, in addition to editing the subtitle text, you can also edit the subtitle time (seconds, minutes, hours) in the table.

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